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Viber is a calling and messaging app that connects people–no matter who they are, or where they’re from. Each month, hundreds of millions of people connect, for free, with their loved ones via messaging, high-quality voice and video calls, and more.

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Viber lets everyone in the world connect. Freely. Viber users can send free text messages, fun stickers, photos, videos and doodles, share locations anywhere in the world, make free HD-quality calls, communicate with Push-To-Talk on iPhone®, Android phones and tablets,™ Windows Phone, Blackberry®, Windows®, Mac, Linux, Symbian, Nokia S40 and Bada devices over 3G/4G or WiFi connections. Now, Viber Out enables users to make low-cost calls to any phone number around the world.

How To Redeem your Viber Code?

  1. Go to the Viber redemption page.
  2. Select the denomination from the list.
  3. Enter your email address and your Viber number to validate your account.
  4. Enter the code which you have received and confirm by selecting ‘Top up your account’.
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